You are hereby informed by LuSaCa 2020 S.L. that access to and use of the website, are subject to the terms and conditions detailed in this Legal Notice, notwithstanding that fact that access to some services or content may also be subject to acceptance of certain additional General Terms and Conditions.
Therefore, if you do not accept any of the General Terms and Conditions detailed in this Legal Notice, please do not use this Portal, since any use of this portal or its services and content will imply acceptance of the legal terms and conditions set forth in this text.
LuSaCa 2020 S.L. reserves the right to make changes to the Portal, with no prior notice, in order to update, correct, modify and add or delete the content thereof or its design. The content and services offered on this Portal are updated on a regular basis. Given that information is not immediately updated, please always check the validity and accuracy of the information, services and content found on this Portal.
These terms and conditions are subject to change, therefore we recommend that you check them each time you visit our Portal. LuSaCa 2020 S.L. accepts no responsible whatsoever for any damage that may arise from the use of the tools and information available at the above-mentioned URL addresses, in relation to the decisions made about the initiation, development or final result of administrative procedures. Such decisions must be corroborated in the competent centres, organisations or departments. Under no circumstance can the information and content of this Portal be cited in any proceedings brought against the Public Administration. No responsibility whatsoever is assumed for any discrepancies that may arise between the printed documents held by the competent Administration and the content published on these web pages.

Data protection
LuSaCa 2020 S.L. is responsible for the file used to store all personal data provided by users of this website.
In accordance with Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December on the Protection of Personal Data, LuSaCa 2020 S.L. undertakes to store and process all personal data in a strictly confidential manner. For these purposes, it will adopt and employ the necessary measures to prevent such data from being altered, lost or processed and accessed without authorisation.

Personal data is collected and automatically processed in order to manage, provide, extend and improve user services, as well as to manage information on job vacancies, provide information relating to LuSaCa 2020 S.L. and to track user enquiries.
Users may exercise their rights to access, rectification, cancellation and objection at any time by sending an email to the following address: administració

The USER agrees to use the Portal, Service, Content and General Terms and Conditions in a strictly legal and ethical manner, and in accordance with good morals and public order.
They undertake to use the Portal, Services and Content in a diligent, proper and legal fashion and, in particular, agree to refrain from:
1/ Reproducing or copying, distributing, transforming, modifying or allowing public access to the Content of this site by any means of public communication, except with the approval of the owner of the corresponding rights or when such action is legal permitted.
2/ Deleting, evading or manipulating the copyright and other identification data referring to the rights held by the owners of any content posted on the website, as well as the technical protection devices or any other information mechanisms on which the Content could appear.

Intellectual and industry property
The elements of this website: text, images, brands, graphics, logos, buttons, software files and colour combinations, as well as the structure, selection, order and presentation of its content, are protected under Intellectual and Industry Property Laws. Therefore, the reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation of all such elements is strictly forbidden, expect when for personal and private use.
Furthermore, the total or partial reproduction, retransmission, copy, transfer or broadcast of the information contained on these pages is also strictly forbidden, regardless of the purpose thereof or the method used.
By accepting these terms and conditions, any User who posts reviews or comments on the PORTAL agrees to grant LuSaCa 2020 S.L. the non-exclusive, copyright exempt, perpetual and irrevocable right, which may also be fully transferred to third parties, to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative products, distribute and display said reviews and comments all over the world and by any means of communication. They also grant LuSaCa 2020 S.L. the right to use the name corresponding to their reviews or comments, in the event of having providing one, in relation to the review or comment.

In order to make general improvements to this website, LuSaCa 2020 S.L. reserves the right to modify, extend or temporarily suspend the provision, configuration, technical specifications and services of this website.
LuSaCa 2020 S.L. also reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions of use at any time, as well as any other special terms and conditions.

The hyperlinks that appear on LuSaCa 2020 S.L. website may redirect users to third-party websites. LuSaCa 2020 S.L. accepts no responsibility for the content, information or services that could appear on such websites. These hyperlinks are displayed for information purposes only and under no circumstance imply any type of relationship between LuSaCa 2020 S.L. and the natural or legal entities who own such content or the owners of the websites on which it is found.

Applicable law and jurisdiction
The applicable law for any dispute or conflict regarding the interpretation of the terms and conditions contained in this Legal Notice, as well as any other matter related to the services presented on this Portal, will be Spanish law.
For the resolution of any conflict that may arise upon visiting this Portal or using the services offered thereon, LuSaCa 2020 S.L. and the User agree to submit to the Courts of the jurisdictional area corresponding to the User, providing this area is within Spanish territory.